First-Year Student Admission

Students talking in small groups on the quad
Consistently recognized for its value, esball官方网是新英格兰地区最好的10所公立大学之一, 根据….S. 新闻 & 2021年世界报告.


Rhode Island College is an exclusive member of the 常见的应用程序. 所有申请本科入学的学生都必须填写通用申请.

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First-Year Student 招生 Process


  1. 提交的通用申请,包括50美元不可退还的申请费. Complete the 常见的应用程序. 如果您是高中毕业后申请RIC,请选择“申请第一年”. 请注意: If you have previously attended another college or university, select "apply for transfer" and view our transfer admissions requirements.
  2. Your official high 学校 transcript. esball官方网要求至少18个大学预备单元,包括:
    • 4个单元/年的英语
    • 2 units/year of the same foreign language
    • 3 units/years of mathematics (Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry)
    • 2 units/years of history or social science
    • 2 units/years of laboratory science
    • 5个额外的大学预科单元(以上任何科目的额外课程), or other college preparatory elective courses offered by your high 学校)


本土学校申请者必须遵守与传统学生相同的入学要求. There are several ways to represent the required coursework: 

  • 与提供课程大纲的家庭教育机构建立了工作关系,并为完成的作业进行审查和评分,并为该机构提交成绩单.
  • 将你的家庭教育计划提交给你所在州的相关机构,以获得颁发高中文凭的批准.
  • 补充你的家庭学习与大学课程和课程认证的私人家教/老师,以满足18个大学预备单元的要求. 

Additional Application Materials

In addition to the 常见的应用程序, $50 nonrefundable application fee, and official high 学校 transcript, you may choose to submit these optional materials for consideration:

  • The 250-word college essay through the 常见的应用程序
  • School (Guidance) Counselor or Personal Letter of Recommendation
  • SAT或ACT成绩. Rhode Island College is Test Optional. We do not require test results for initial admission to the College. 如果你认为你的SAT或ACT成绩支持你的入学资格, Rhode Island College encourages you to submit them. 请注意:范斯坦教育与人类发展学院RIC教师教育项目的候选人必须提交标准化考试成绩供考虑. 

    RIC's SAT code is 3724 and its ACT code is 3810. 

Evaluation of Transfer Credit, AP, IB, and CLEP Exams


AP考试成绩达到3分或以上,CLEP考试成绩达到50分或以上,也有资格获得转学分. 正式成绩单和考试成绩应送到招生办公室审查. 

完成国际文凭(IB)高级(HL)科目并在文凭课程考试中获得至少4分的考生可以获得大学学分. 学生应将成绩直接从IBO发送到招生办公室,或将其打印在正式的中学成绩单上.

More on AP Exams and their RIC Equivalents 

Merit Scholarships and 金融援助

Over 75% of RIC undergraduates receive financial aid.

esball官方网通过颁发奖学金来表彰优秀的学术成就. 所有候选人在申请入学时都会接受优秀奖学金的审查. 

学院的学生有几个择优奖学金项目. These programs fall into four general categories:


  • 提早行动 & Priority Consideration for Merit Scholarships: December 15
  • Spring Admission (January): December 15
  • 常规决定:3月15日 (The deadline for fall 2024 admission has been extended. 还有时间 马上申请)
  • FAFSA优先申请截止日期:4月15日,此后滚动考虑. 
  • 招生 & Housing Deposit: Due to the FAFSA data delays, RIC已决定将我们的注册存款截止日期延长至6月1日.


To begin using your RIC account (or to regain access to RIC 电子邮件, 黑板上, 和MyRIC), you will need to set an initial password. Set a new password by visiting 设置密码.

需要额外援助? Contact the ITS Help Center at helpdesk@farmersandbuilders.net401-456-8803, or by visiting the walk-in lab at 惠普尔大厅 102房间.

Become Part of the Rhode Island College Community

学生与教师的比例可以让你有一个有意义的学习经验,教师花时间了解你. 平均每班20人 .
通识教育的坚实基础,广泛的专业,为你的工作做好准备, 先进的研究, career exploration and experiential learning.
Rhode Island College entrance


Prospective Student Center

The Prospective Student Center is your gateway to Rhode Island College. 与我们的招生大使一起安排一次由学生带领的校园之旅, 或者从我们的招生团队成员那里了解更多关于这所大学的信息.